
Hey good lookin what ya got cookin?

Kelly's Korner is a "mom blog" I have followed for about 3 years!! She does this post every month called show us your life. Well this month it is SUYL What do you feed your kids????

This is a stressful subject for me. Rylen is quite the picky eater...... This is something she did not get from me. I have never been picky about food. I'm up to try anything and usually love everything!!!!
I feel like Rylen is just eating the same old same old everyday. I want her to have a variety of foods but so far she is pretty stuck on mac and cheese, and hot dog weenies for the most part.
Breakfast is the easiest:
scrambled eggs
mini vanilla wafers (yes i let my child eat a cookie for breakfast but she always has one of the above to go along with it)

craft single slices
mac and cheese
corn dogs
and we are still doing fruit baby food

Usually she will somewhat eat what we are having but mostly we resort to feeding her a weenie
mashed potatoes
green beans
spaghettie noodles
she loves any kind of breads

I love the gerber graduates! They have the best snacks that are a good size and easy for Rylen to feed herself!
Ritz crackers
gold fish are great
graduate gummy snacks
yogurt bites

I think Rylen has a texture issue. She only likes to eat one thing at a time. She finishes all her mac and cheese and then all her weenie. Don't even try to flip flop bites or its gonna come right back out!!!! I know this is just a phase she is going threw and it to shall pass. She gets a clean bill of health at every doctor visit so I think she will survive it!! haha!!

"Mom I don't like this and I don't like this and why did you buy this
I don't care for it at all!!!"

"Hey Granny why don't we put down this cooking magazine and get me some peppermint candy!!!"

Rylen stays a few hours at my grandmothers every once in a while so I can get some things done around town. They both have a blast playing. Granny Nell has a candy bowle on her coffee table that always has peppermint candy in it. Rylen LOVES it and eats entirely to much while she is over there!!!! Oh well it doesn't bother me!! I'm just glad Ry has a Great Granny to spend time with!!!

If you have any tips on what to feed this baby girl just leave me a comment!!!!!

Hope you all have a blessed day!!!

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